Class For A Cause : Raleigh Queer Venue Initiative

Wednesday, March 18 from 6:00pm-7:15pm EST join me for our second Class For A Cause!

The Raleigh Queer Venue Initiative is made up of the ONLY queer music venues in Raleigh, North Carolina: Ruby Deluxe, Wicked Witch, and the Night Rider and is in danger of closing their doors forever in the face of the economic repercussions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Their purpose is to give LGBTQIA, as well as marginalized folx a safe space to dance, create, perform, and support one another.


Being queer in North Carolina means being continuously confronted with questions of access, safety, and survival.  This makes places like those within the Raleigh Queer Venue Initiative especially important as the area can often feel like a desert of intolerance and bigotry.  Supporting RQVI will help to keep these venues open for the LGBTQIA community of a post-pandemic Raleigh.


On Wednesday, March 18 I’ll be teaching a Beginner/Adv. Beginner ballet class at 6pm EST (and available for 24 hours after posting) @amynovinskiballetclass .  100% of donations will go to help the RQVI meet their $6000 goal.  Donations of any size will get you in to the virtual class and give you access to the class for the subsequent 24 hours.  Send donations via Venmo to AmyNovinski.

Amy Novinski